It's a mild but rainy Thursday morning in the woods. I thought it's a good morning to show you my two newest awards. They are both from sweet, Karen at Karen's Korner. Thank you Karen for the beautiful "Your Blog is a Treasure" award and the cute "Bodacious Blog" award. I appreciate you thinking of me, and will post these awards on my side bar after Christmas, along with the other three awards waiting to be posted. In turn, I would love to give these two awards to all the wonderful friends that take time out of their day to visit here. You are all Treasures, and you're all Bodacious, and I am thankful for your visits and comments! Please pick them up, if you'd like to have them, and display them on your site.

Tomorrow morning I will attempt to post my Christmas blog. Have a wonderful day, as you are getting ready for the holiday.
Good Morning Renie,
It is a rainy morning here as well. Thunder woke me up around 5:45a.m. I got up and started me a pot of coffee. My alarm was set to go off at 6:45a.m. so I could call hubby at 7:00a.m. to wake him up. Since the girls are out of School, I don't have to set the alarm early to get them up. I do have to set it for a certain time hubby wants me to call him and wake him up tho. I don't mind doing that. It's going to be "NO ALARM" setting for a couple of weeks. You are most welcome for the Awards my dear friend. I'm glad you like them. I have another Award for you on my today's post also. I know you are busy, but when you have time, drop by and pick it up. You know I always love reading your blog. You have some interesting stories and beautiful pictures to share. I so enjoy that. Well, take care my friend and have a great Thursday. May God Bless You. I'm looking forward to your Christmas Story.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Good morning, Karen!
Thunder woke me up this morning as well. Now it's just rain, but lots of it. My pond, which had gotten low during the late summer drought, is now overflowing! Thank goodness the excess water runs off into the woods.
My granddaughters are off from school as well, enjoying the Christmas break, no doubt.
Another award? Wow, well, I'll be over soon to pick it up. I have a Christmas Bingo to go to in a couple of hours.
Thank you for your always cheerful and encouraging posts. Have a great day!
Blessings and Love,
Good morning, it is not raining here, sun is shinning right at the moment, but still very cold, 31F. We may get some rain this evening or tomorrow.
Congratulations on your awards. That's great. Have a wonderful rest of the day in your cozy little place in the woods.
Congrats on your new awards, Renie! You sure deserve them! Currently, I don't have any of the awards I've received displayed in my sidebar. :'(
I really hope noone is offended. The reason is I'm thinking of moving to WordPress and really polishing my blog's presence. What do you think? Did you vote about it? Anyway, I LOVE your blog!
Thank you, Patty. Rain stopped, and it was very mild today, and will be sunny and downright warm for this time of the year, tomorrow. Weather reports are fun, aren't they? :-) Stay warm, too!
Christmas blessings,
Hi Michele,
I voted for you to stay at blogger, but I understand your reason for debating the move. WordPress is probably a good move for you. I just blog for fun. I am not looking for opportunities, etc., or for anything that even remotely resembles a job. At this stage in my life, I just want to enjoy myself with my friends and family, and write occassionally, when the mood strikes me.
Hope you had a great day and have a nice evening.
Congratulations on the awards. You are most deserving. I love them both and am glad that Karen presented you with them.
Take care, my friend. I wish you could come along on the Florida trip. You would have been perfect company.
In my neck of the woods, it rained for a while yesterday and it has rained all day today. I'm glad to see it, smell it, feel it. My eyes love it too - they feel so much better.
Earlier this week, I made my first fire of the season, it was so warm and pretty to look at in a dark room. Just one of life's many little pleasures.
I'm ready for winter. I hope it gets so cold!
Looking forward to your Christmas story!
Thank you. Have a wonderful time in Florida.
Merry Christmas!
Love and blessings,
Oh, I'm sure the rain was very welcome in your state. And having a fire in the fireplace is one of life's little pleasures, to be sure. We have had tons of rain, but I'm not complaining. We have also had lots of fog! There is a dense fog advisory this morning. A couple of days ago, a friend of mine ended up in a ditch, because of the dense fog. It scared her, but she was okay, so was her car. Got to be careful this morning, driving to town.
Have a great day!
Congratulations, Renie! The awards are well deserved.
Thank you, Mr. Nick!
Christmas blessings,
Dearest Renie
You deserve them =)
Aww, thank you, Audrey!
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