Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Beebopping In The Woods.

Election Day was gorgeous around here, with lots of sunshine and warm temperatures, so when I came home from casting my vote, I decided it was a great day for some beebopping in the woods. With camera in one pocket, cell phone in the other, and a sturdy walking stick to help me navigate the woodsy terrain, off we went to enjoy the last of this years autumn's colors.

Of course, some of the animals towed along. Like Felix on the left, and Oreo, on the right. Oh, boy, the woods are fun, Mom!

Sidney came along as well, although at 12, she is a bit arthritic. But she seemed to enjoy beebopping, as much as I; two oldies reveling in nature!

This is the southern exposed side of the woods, where things are dryer, and the ecosystem is a bit different from the northern side, where the huge white oaks grow, and the ginseng thrives! I'll take pictures of that side sometime as well.

But there is much beauty in these woods, where the young hickory trees intermingle with numerous dogwoods.

Sun shining through the tree tops created a magical effect; a feeling of being in a cathedral. Thank you God, for all this beauty!

A crow's nest up high adds some interest as well.

Standing under a dogwood umbrella is magical experience. Color and light make for a gorgeous palette.

We were in the woods for almost two hours. Time flies when you're having fun, and fun we did have! I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

According to the forecast today is our last mild day, for a cold front bringing thunder showers is on the way by tomorrow, followed by somewhat cooler temperatures on Friday. But today I won't be beebopping in the woods. Today is Chinese Buffet day!

Thank you for reading. Have a happy week.

Blessings from the woods!


Nonnas News said...

You got some beautiful pictures of the woods! Looks like you and your little friends had a great time. Its nice to get outside and enjoy nature for a while!!

Enjoy your chinese buffet today!!

Brenda said...

Thanks for taking your camera with you on your walk. I enjoyed the pictures. I especially liked the one with the sunlight shining through the trees. I had done the same thing yesterday, taking pictures. Our weather has been do nice.
Enjoy your lunch.

Jmkdreak said...

Beautiful pictures! What an awesome day to be out in the woods. Glad you got to go outside and enjoy it with the kids. = )
enjoy lunch!


Gigi Ann said...

Renie, I enjoyed my stroll in the woods with you. The pictures are lovely and make the stroll come alive as if I were right there with you and your furry friends. Hmmmm, Chinese buffet sounds mighty good!

Hey Renie,in all that beebopping in the woods, did you dance around and kick up your legs kinda like Cloris use to do on "Dancing...?"

Have a splendid and food-filled day. ;)


hippo chick said...

Oh Renie,

How beautiful. Thanks for taking me along for your BEEBOP through the woods.

~hippo hugs~

ancient one said...

Our voting day was rainy.. but I had voted early so it didn't matter... Your photos are beautiful as usual. I might go see what I can find today...

Janice Thomson said...

Beautiful photos of the woods in all their autumn glory Renie!

I once had a neat black and white kitty named Felix who followed me everywhere - he was a unique kitty :)

sandy said...

Photos are great but that last one!! Love it.

Glad you got to go beebopping through the woods. I love when you share these.

Patty said...

What lovely photos. I bet you, the cats and dog all had a grand time.

Chinese Buffet. What is your favorite. I love Hot Sour Soup and Kung Pao Chicken. But on a buffet, I try a little of a lot of things.

I hear we're suppose to get some rain and cooler days towards the end of the week.

Winifred said...

Thanks for sharing these Renie, they're lovely.

I also love the smells in the autumn amongst trees and leaves, almost peppery.

Lakeland Jo said...

we had a chinese takeaway tonight- it was great
What is chinese buffet day?
Your pictures are lovely

Sam said...

What lovely pictures. Looks like it was a beautiful walk, for you and your companions. I love the photo of Oreo in the leaves!

Hope you enjoyed your Chinese buffet! YUM!!


audrey` said...

You've very beautiful photos in this post, Renie =)

There was live coverage on the USA Presidential Election yesterday. I saw the huge turnout at the polling centres.

Take care, Renie.

Linda said...

Perfect Indian Summer pictures of your woods. The colors are beautiful.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

What a beautiful day for a walk and I love your companions! They can add an extra touch to the delight of things! Years ago, I used to have a 'flock' of chickens that would walk with me! Guess they trusted me not to walk them to the chopping block..My nickname was the Pied Piper.(naw, never did take them to the block, never the heart for it..)
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures...I want to be your neighbor!
~Hugs Renie~

Dawn said...

You are so lucky to have that beautiful scenery! And those cats!! How cute are they?? I am glad you got some Chinese food too!!

Jenn said...

*sigh* you always make such beautiful posts. Your pictures are just lovely. I really wish we got fall around here. But not followed my snow and stuff!
Have a blessed night

Deborah Wilson said...

Pretty pics, Renie. Color and sunlight do make good pics.

It is supposed to rain here Friday, but next week we will get a lot more.

Things are kind of dry.

Mississippi Songbird said...

Those are gorgeous photos... It was a beautiful day here in Mississippi too.. Bunches of hugs....

Unknown said...

These photos are beautiful, it is nice to know that your little family had a great time with you as much as you had with them out in the woodlands.

Hope you had a nice Chinese buffet as well.

Linda said...

What a wonderful walk in the woods you had...and I love the company you keep.
Oh...I miss the country life.
Thanks for sharing Renie...Have a Great Day!


Kentucky Dreamer said...

Happy trails, Renie!

I enjoyed the morning walk with you. It has been too long since I enjoyed the view out there. I loved the pics, and your follow-alongers look as though they enjoyed the walk as much as you did. The crow's nest, wow. Crows have always been an interesting bird, I think.

Have a wonderful weekend, friend.

Gigi Ann said...

Hi Renie,

Just dropped by to say, I have an award for you at my "Quotes and Things" blog. Come by and claim it any time.

Gramma Ann

Talk..to..Grams said...

Just updated talktograms site for her...drop by if you get a chance.
Thanks for your prayers.


Mary said...


I love the photos of your woods. Sorry it's been so long since I stopped by to see how you're doing. I'm glad you could get out in the woods with your animals and have some fun. Soon all the autumn colors will be gone.


audrey` said...

Wow! You're so blessed to be surrounded by the great and wonderful nature =)

The USA Election was telecasted live on our TV too. The queues were long at some places.

Take care, Renie.