1. My Christian Faith makes me happy. I love the Lord. and am thankful to Him for my many blessings.
2. My family and friends make me happy. To have them in my life is my greatest blessing.
3. Nature makes me happy. As a destitute child in a refugee camp in Austria, where I lived for four years, I learned to love nature. I used to escape that drab camp, with it's rows and rows of old army barracks lined up like soldiers where desperate people just existed, and sit by a beautiful river, gazing up at the mountains in the distance, and dream about a better life in the future. That river and those beautiful mountains gave my heart hope and saved me from despair. Nature has been my joy and solace ever since.
4. Animals make me happy. I love all animals; my dogs and cats, and all the beautiful, or not so beautiful creatures that share these woods with me, like the opossum that comes every night for his hot dog treat!
5. Writing makes me happy. I am a writer who has suffered many hardships, saw much destruction and tragedy as a child of World War II in Hungary. At the same time, I experienced some genuine miracles during those times as well, saw people rise above and survive many hardships, and was also the recipient of much compassion and kindness. Those experiences shaped me into the person I am today, and inspired me to write about them many years later, finally taking away their haunting power over me.
6. Living in the United States of America makes me happy. This wonderful country, Home of the Free, Thanks to the Brave, has been my home for 58 years, and I'm so blessed to be here. We can never forget that Freedom is Not Free! Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy. We honor their memory this Memorial Day.
There are many more things I love, but we were to list only six. However, I will sneak in one more, I love my pink roses, in full bloom right now!
I will not tag anyone else for this meme, but if any of you would like to join in on the fun, let me know. I would love to come and read your answers.
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Blessings from the woods.
Renie....if I had still been depressed, this would have cured me!Bless your sweet heart,I wish I could spend the day with you just visiting!This was just a wonderful read!
Dear Renie! The very first one should also have been my first one! I only mentioned six things that make me happy, not the most important things. But my faith is first, then my grandchildren and two of my children. Freedom is also very important. In our concentration camp we also saw mountains in the distance and my mum always thought of Psalm 121.
I always enjoy reading whatever you have time to post Renie. You always manage to put a positive spin into just about everything in your life. I have read a few of your stories in books and magazines and would like to read more. Thanks for all of your visits to my blog. I so appreciate them and YOU! Have a great weekend!
You have a happy week end.
What a wonderful and positive six things that make you happy. I agree with Brenda, I always enjoy reading whatever you have time to write and share with us. Enjoy your week-end with your family and friends.
we love you too!
I also agree that I enjoy reading whatever you post. You are such a sweet lady.
Maybe next week I'll have time to post a MeMe.\
Have a great weekend with family and friends.
God bless.
Nice post, have a great week-end yourself. Glad you got the cabin ready for the 3 day holiday.
All wonderful reasons to be happy and your posts always reflect your happy spirit!
Enjoy the holiday weekend :)
Love your happy things... a lot of them are the same as mine... Loved this post!
Those are definitely things to be happy about. What a lovely post Renie. I hope you have a great weekend!
This is a very encouraging post, Renie xoxoxo =)
Wow! You've Twitter Updates on your blog too, Renie =)
1.) I am happy each time I awaken to another new day. My dad used to wake us up saying, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Sounds like really good things make you happy. Hugs Renie, have a safe and happy Memorial day weekend.
How easy it is to brush aside this concept of freedom-until you have it taken from you. Thank you for an especially sensitive snapshot of your youth and the reminder to be thankful to the men and women who have, and still do, fight for our right to be free.
I loved reading this post Renie. You are such an inspiration. I would love to join in.
Thanks Renie for your visit. Good on you to ride on your four wheeler through the country. To answer your question: a polder is low-lying land that has been reclaimed and is protected by dikes (especially in the Netherlands). You can recognize a polder by the ditches filled with water, separating meadows. Have a great Sunday. I am having breakfast now and then to church.
What a lovely post Miss Renie! You have such a way with words and expression. It was such a sweet way to start my day and I thank you for it!!! xoxox
A hot dog eh? My raccoons come for marshmallows! :o)
Renie, you have much to be thankful for.... Freedom is very important and so are the men and women who defend our soil.... I hope we can keep our freedoms as the founding Fathers wished for us.
i love nature too and right now i love my two hamsters. =D God bless you renie.
Just wishing you a great day! Thanks for the kind comment!
Oh Renie, what a wonderful post. You are an inspiration to all of us. You are a dear and lovely lady and I am so happy I have made your acquaintance.
Love and Hippo Hugs
I always have a smile on my face when I read your blog!
Hugs to you my Friend!
Renie, you wrote some nice reasons to be happy.I especially like #6, about living in a country that is free. Hope you had a nice memorial day weekend.
Hi Renie! Thanks for your visit and comment. My artist friend was one of a group of artists who were exhibiting. Have a great day! Hugs, Wil
What a lovely post Renie - delightful to find out a wee bit more about you.
How beautiful your list is. I need to focus on the important things a little more. Thank you for reminding me of what's important, Renie. ;)
the things that make you happy should be the things that make everyone happy.
This is a beautiful list, Renie. And you are so sweet to feed the opossum a hot dog every night. What a heart you have.
I also love animals.
My husband lived in a refugee camp as a child too. (He and his family were fleeing Vietnam.) It certainly shapes a person. And like you, he also feels lucky to live in the US in a way that I can't truly understand.
Have a wonderful weekend, Renie.
I certainly enjoyed reading your answers to the meme. Thank you for sharing those memories with us. Nature is certainly balm for the soul.
Enjoy your weekend, my friend.
Hello Renie. I enjoyed reading about what makes you happy. The pink rose made me smile. I have a yellow one that makes me happy so I understand.
What you wrote about your experience during the war reminds me of just how blessed we all are to live in America. God guide and bless her always!
I hope you had a wonderful Sunday. Thanks for your visit and kind comment!
Hi, Thanks for all your visits while I was so sick. I sure appreciate your kind words!
That was a great post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Hugs, Grams
Your 3rd reason is so heartfelt...it melted my heart.
First of all thanks for following me on Twitter. I am impressed that you Twitter and blog. I think nature has offered me so much, especially when I lived on an island in Belize. That was where I truly felt in balance with life. What a life you'd had.
Just coming by to see how you are doing. Have a great weekend.
What a great place, I always have a smile on my face when I read your blog!
You always put a smile on my face when I read your blog. Where would we be without our faith!
Hi Renie,
What have you been up to lately? With summer just around the corner there is so much to keep us busy. I haven't been blogging as much as throughout the winter. But just wanted to thank you again for all your visits and comments.
Also I wanted to let you know I deleted "My Reading Corner" blog today. It is no more! ;)
Have a fun filled week and don't eat to much at the Chinese Buffet on Wednesday. hahaha....
Hi Renie,
Thanks for coming by today... I love your pink rose bush... but yellow is my favorite...
Flea Markets and Antique Stores can make me happy for a while... I just love old stuff... maybe 'cause I'm old...LOL
Just ask how much I groaned trying to pick string beans today. I've decided I Really love canned string beans that come from the grocery store...LOL
Many of the same things makes me happy too Renie - and it also makes me happy that you are living here in America and have so many wonderful stories to share with us!
Renie, I will do this MeMe, I have so many reasons to be happy, it will be hard to list only six.
Hey I have been gone a while, hope to catch up.
Love and Blessings Sue
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