Just last week I got to see my old friend Frieda, for the first time in five years. That was such a treat! I so wish that Frieda lived closer again, so we could see her more often. That's me in the middle, of course, wearing, (according to my daughter) my Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, outfit. LOL. And Eileen on the right, is looking somewhat pensive or is that peeked? LOL. (Kind of a bad picture, actually, but it's the only one with Frieda in it too.)

Anyway, before I get myself in trouble, here is:
True Friendship
You WON'T see cutesy little smiley faces on this card-
Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.
1. When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!
2. When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4.When you're scared, we will high tail it out of here.
5. When you are worried,
I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!
6. When you are confused,I will use little words.
7. When you are sick,
Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall, I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my rear off!!
9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask;-- because you are my FRIEND!
I would also like to mention that lovely Carol, at The Writer's Porch interviewed North Carolina Author Gary Carden recently, and had a give away of one of his signed books, and two DVDs, to three lucky commenter's on the post. And guess what? I won First Place! Which meant that I had first dibs on the prizes and chose the signed copy of Gary's book "Mason Jars in the Flood." Woow Hoo! Thank you Carol. I can't wait to read the book.
Last but not least, I had another acceptance and contract in the mail this week. This one for the story "A Light in the Closet" which will be in the "Christmas Miracles" book, published by St. Martins Press and in bookstores in October of this year. Woo Hoo!
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Blessings from the woods.
Well Renie.....I'm tickled pink to see you have a new post! I think you and the girls look great and your Oz outfit is beautiful! Congrats on your story being published and winning Gary's book.I hope it arrives soon,that media mail can be slow.Have a wonderful weekend !!!
Nothing more treasured to me than family and true friends!! Congratulations on being published again!!Have a great weekend!
LOLOL, Loved that card!!!
Good Moring, Renie
I enjoyed your post, it is wonderful to have true friends.
Congrats, on the new your story.
I had a good laugh about the poem.
So glad to read your new post. It was quite entertaining. Aren't friends wonderful? And Congratulations on your article being published. I loved looking at the pictures of your friends, it makes them seem real when you mention them in your posts, because now I can put a face with the name.
Have a great week-end!
I loved that card! You and the gang all look lovely. I think that the friends we have from childhood are so important. They know everything and STILL love us!
Have a good week-end.
Oops! I forgot to congratulate you on being published once again. Keep up the good work.
Boy, have I got a lot of reading to do!
Congrats on the winning of the book and having more of your stories published...
It is so wonderful to have friends you can count on... you have been blessed!!
Friends make life worth living Renie. It would seem you're very blessed. Congratulations on the new contract. You deserve it!
I was so happy to see you had a new post. I was wondering about you.
Congrats on the contract and winning the book.
I had a good laugh at the poem.
Your photos are beautiful but it does look cold.
Congratulations on your wonderful friends and friendships.
Congratulations on winning the prize and getting first choice.
Congratulations on getting another contract for a story that will be out in time for Christmas.
I'll have to check into that. You might remind us in Oct. My memory isn't as good as it use to be. Unless I make myself notes, then I have to remember where I put the notes. LOL Have a wonderful week-end.
Hope your Chinese lunch was terrific the other day. Haven't had any for a while, sounds mighty good. I like the Kung Pao Chicken with plain rice, and we get a choice of either a chicken wing, egg roll or Sweet Potato Tempura, I find that I get the Sweet Potato Tempura more often, plus I love the Hot Sour Soup. Of course I have to make sure I have extra Kleenix, because that soup sure opens the sinuses. LOL
I've been missing your oosts. WElcome back, friend. Also, congrats on selling some articles. You amaze me.
I loved the friendship post. I especially like the one about staying away when you are sick. I think I'll send that to my daughter who gave me her cold.
I've missed you and am so happy to have you back.
~hippo hugs~
It took you long enough to post! I am glad you did, you gave us a great read on what friendship is all about!
Glad to hear about that book deal.
Wow, where to begin. Wonderful to have friends, I have a couple from high school and a few from the 70's and we all keep plugging along. Really enjoyed your definition of a friend, different then some others I have seen.
Congratualtions big time on your contracts. It must have been your Dorothy outfit that did it.
Best to you Miss Renie
You all look so happy and very pretty also! I will be looking forward to reading your new publications. Glad you have been able to get out and about. Spring will be here soon!
Congratulations on winning the book and for your story being published!!
You look great in your Wizard of Oz outfit! So nice to share time with true friends!!
cute. and congrats on the story.
who would've thought both sets of your friends enjoy chinese buffetts!
haha xoxox
Nice to meet more of your friends - Frieda looks like a woman that I use to know (Betty). Ms Eileen, she reminds me of my Aunt Christine. Dad said every weekend, she'd come driving up in her Cadillac to my paternal grandmother's house, long blonde curly hair and red lip stick, looking for Junior.
She drove that Caddie until it wouldn't go no more.
Junior must have dug that blonde hair and red lipstick - they got married and lived together for over 50 years - and acted like two teenagers the entire time! lol
Congrats on the writing, Renie..:)
I saw your comment on Brenda's blog, and I noticed that you too had problems with the new followers' widget. So have I: there were 62 followers and all of a sudden my own face appeared among the followers. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to delete myself, but I can't! So now I can either leave it like that or delete the whole thing. Anyway you have a nice blog, Renie. Have a great weekend!
True friends are the best and congratulation on being published, have a great weekend. Thank you for coming by. I like the photos, they look very nice.
Hi Renie so nice of you to visit my blog. We are sometimes so busy, aren't we, that we have no time to see the wonderful blogs around us. You write with a great sense of humour. So you have also been in a camp.It's always frustrating to live in a camp community even if you don't have to deal with hostile campguards. It's a nerve wrecking situation for mothers to look after their children.Well dear Renie. I'll see you again! Thanks.
first off congrats on the acceptance ....second, I laughed, which is such good therapy, at those sayings...
and third off, every photo I've see of you, you are just so darn cute...
You have some lovely friends, I'm sure they feel the same about you too.
I love the poem. Could I use it for a women's retreat?
Hi, Congrats on being published! How neat is that!
Aren't friends old and new just wonderful!!! I loved all your pictures!!! Hugs, Grams
renie! congratulations on your new contract. may God bless you more each day and everyday.
Congratualtions Renie on being published once again!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Was so glad to see a comment from you on my snowmobiling fiasco post! I do get myself in the worst messes don't I? Oh well, you can't keep an old gal down!
You are so right about true friends being such a treasure. I am blessed with a good number of friends that I count as 'true' friends that I can count on through thick and thin. Several I have had since childhood and still keep in touch even though we are miles and miles apart. One friend I don't see very often but I know if I picked up the phone right now and said I needed something she would be on my doorstep in an hour. (even driving through this nor'easter that we are having right now!)
Yes, we are in the midst of another storm, schools are all canceled and all. I have to run into town so will be in four wheel drive probably. Oh well, so is life in Maine! :o)
Take care Renie! xoxo
Old friends are the best!!! How wonderful you were able to see Frieda again. Congrats on your new publication! Have a great week!!
Good Morning ms. Renie,
I enjoyed your pics and the story on True Friendship. We got some snow on Saturdy and ended up with aout a foot of it here where I Live at. I've posted some pics on my blo. Whenyou have time, drop by an read whata bween going on with me. There is still some snow on the ground her this morning. Take care ymy frfiend and hae a great day. May GOD bless you.
Karen H.
I loved your post on friendships an also the fact that we can make close friends throughout our lives.
You are getting fantastic news from publishers on a weekly basis, it seems. I'm happy for you.
I love it Renie - now that's true friendship. :)
Many congratulations are in order - how wonderful for you!
How nice to have such long lasting friendships. You are all so lucky! And I thought 30 years was a long friendship to have!
Take care of yourself always.
Good Morning again Ms. Renie,
Thought I would drop by for a cup of Coffe on this ocold morning. It only made it up to 33 degrees here yesterday. Ther is still some Snow on the ground ou as well.I have always heard people say that when it hangs aound it's waitin for the othe Snow. LOL. Don't know how true that is but hopefully it will all melt away tody. I decided to do anothe post this morning and took Mary's advi e in using typing as a way of therapy as well. It's just going to take some time I guess. Take care my friend and have a great day. May GOD Bless you and yours.
Karen H.
Enjoyed the Coffee.
Renie, your eyes sparkled so brightly in the photo. Your genuine happiness was spread to everyone =) Thank you (((HUGS)))
Congrats on winning the signed book and also for another of your stories being accepted!!! You go, Girl!!!
And I love your Oz attire! You look absolutely radiant in that color, topped off with that happy smile of yours!!! How nice to see old friends again!!! Your face shows your joy! Nothing like friends and family!
((( HUGS )))
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