Saturday, on the last day of February, it snowed. And it snowed some more. These deer in the field at sunset didn't seem to mind the snow. The snow continued until well after midnight. By Sunday morning, we had six inches of beautiful snow, covering the recently scarred earth around here, where many broken limbs still lie.

There were many hungry finches and other birds out there enjoying the sunflower seeds I pitched out the window. I usually fill the feeders, but in ice and snow, I stay in, and do some pitching. The birds don't seem to mind.
By mid morning, the sun came out in full force, and the six inches of snow began to melt.

By late afternoon, it only covered the grassy areas, like the field, where the deer were congregating again.

On Monday morning, some pink March clouds, looking like lambs, grazed in the blue sky.
Did March come in like a lion, since it snowed until well past midnight, or a lamb, since the sun shone brightly by mid-morning on Sunday, which was officially the first day of March?
So, will it be an early spring, or will we have six more weeks of winter? Time alone will tell.
I took all the pictures from my kitchen window, and the one of the deer in the field looks like it, doesn't it? lol.
Thank you for visiting.
Blessings from the woods!
Well for parts of the country, it sure came in like a lion!
I sure am getting spring fever!
Have a good week!
Dearest Renie
This post is very interesting. The photos tell a story too; they complement your words very well.
Take care, Renie =)
I dislike snow entirely. Except for viewing photos of snow. LOL
Just look at all those finches!!! Amazing. And the deer photo is super. Love the sunset.
March in our area came in like a LION! Trees were in bud and daffodils were coming up and then snow had to come! TV weatherman just said we are to be 74 degrees by Saturday...a gradual warm-up all week. Snow is melting now...but black ice on the highways this morning.
Know your little outside birds were happy to get fed! I often wonder how those little things survive the cold of winter. You'd think those tiny little feet would freeze right off, wouldn't you?
The deer remind me of my home back in PA. Beautiful pics, Renie! I never see any sunsets here like you get there. Just so pretty!
Well, I do think Spring is headed our way next, don't you?
((( HUGS )))
Well if frigid temps count as lion-like, that's what it was. I was decided on winter hanging on as long as it can, however, Duke is dropping his coat faster than I can keep up. For him, it's early. I'll let Duke be my seer.
That was a beautiful sunset. My weather was a twin to yours. We have a little snow in shady spots still. Take care.
Sunday was lovely here, so I guess March came in like a lamb. :)
I'm glad you all received the snow, I have seen all the snow I care to see until next year.
Your pictures are lovely, and sunsets are some of my favorites.
Have a wonderful week!
Renie.....great pictures! Maybe this will be the last Snow?
I'm ready for Spring and I KNOW you are!
I guess it came in like a lion your way, we finally have hardy any snow, just reallycold It is suppose to be 47 degrees by Friday and I hope it is coming your way also, thanks for sharing your photos and stopping by, I appreciate it.
I'm hoping lion so you are done with all the winter till next year!
nice pictures, guess the spots are the falling snow!
Don't guess you made it to church Sunday with all of the snow. I have found a station on the radio call Christian family Radio 89.0 FM That I get here in Jonesboro. They have good music and words to live by Bible. Not that new music. It is on 24 hours that way with the way I sleep I can listen and fall back to sleep and not just get up .
I guess I would have to say Lamb.
It snowed on Fri and Sat but it was cold on Sunday with some sunshine.
Your photos were beautiful.
I am so ready for spring and warmth.
God bless
it came in like a lion,but not as bad as it was on March 1,1980.that day it was 17degrees and snowing.
The reason I remember that so well it was my wedding day!
What lovely photos, Renie! I love the speckled one with snow on the window. :-)
I know you're ready for spring to arrive, so you can gallivant through the woods!
*smiles and hugs*
Your pictures are lovely Renie and your text is very descriptive.
We have had quite pleasant weather, it changes quickly and cools down with the wind but getting in the mood for spring with the daffodils about to bloom. Sadly our last cherry tree has died. Have no idea what kills them so don't think we'll be planting any more.
Lovely pictures and snow, I had snow here, too. I wish it would be Spring and Fall and leave out Winter and Summer. Today was supposed to be warmer than yesterday but, it is colder here, the winds just feels like it is cutting your flesh.
Take care, Dear Renie, Hugs~~~~Leslie
February went out like a big old mean attack lion with claws and teeth in the form of an unexpected blizzard all day. Then it stopped and March came in like a sweet, warm, peaceful and cuddly lamb.
I think we are all very tired of this wintry feeling. Your pictures turned out pretty good for being taken inside. Can't blame you on just throwing out the seed for the birds. It has been very COLD here. I bet you are nice and warm though with your wood stove.
Glad that snow didn't stick around causing you problems. By the way, our one daughter wanted me to ask you, do you ever have bear around where you live? They've been to Arkansas several times and have been told there are bear out there. I thought perhaps she was kidding me. Have a nice evening.
Here in this part of CA, it came in roaring like a lion and is still going strong. Loved seeing all your photos, but that sunset is my fav!
Just depends on where you were on the 1st I guess...it was still acting like a lion around my neck of the woods...
I loved all your photos... especially all the birds in the snow...
The weather people are saying it will be 75 degrees on Sunday... I can't wait...
How awesome! Thanks for sharing!
may god bless you !
We had two beautiful, sunny days in a row. Today it snowed a bit, and now the forecasters are predicting rain for Thursday. I guess we'll just have a bit of everything!
I bet the birds just think they're having a picnic rather than a "formal" dinner! ;)
I can't believe how much snow you're getting. I linked to your blog.
Nice to know that the sun comes in full force later on. I guess your winter will soon be over.. Have a nice day..
Good Morning Ms. Renie,
I do b elieve March came in like a lion for sure. LOL. We still hve some lingering around on th grassy areas here. I guess it's waiting around for the next Snow as some older folks would say. LOL> Guess we will have to wait and see how true tht tis. I didn't post this morning cause hu bby got home around 1:05as.m. this mornning and I got up and visited with him some. I'm just out visiting today. The deeer are beautiful. You always get good shots of deer. Take care my friend and have a gereat day. May GOD Bless you andyours.
Karen H>
Well, up here there was no snow or strong winds but it was extremely cold. So I guess it didn't exactly come in like a lion, but more like a frozen leg of lamb.
Hi Renie
How can anyone argue with a view like that. March for us came in like a Lion we had an Autumn storm and now another one is due today. Back to the ways of the coming winter I suppose.
Love and hugs
Dearest Renie
Thank you so much for your very comforting words (((HUGS)))
Could you kindly pray for Bel? Her examination results are coming out tomorrow? It'll decide on her university course. The competition for a place in the 3 local universities is very stiff now with many foreign students vying for a place too.
May I have your email address, Renie? =) Mine is
yinaudrey at hotmail dot com
Thank you.
Take care.
So nice to have deer right there in your yard! You have lots of birds too. What a good idea to toss the birdseed out the window! It warmed up here today in the
50's. It felt great and it'll be in the 60's tomorrow! Whoohooo!!!
ooou I like these pictures - they are among your best shots!
Don't worry, warm weather is on the way.
Renie, My Mom used to say, IF March comes in like a Lamb it will go out like a lion. So on the last day we always watched for tornados.
Or is it came in with a tornado we usually had a snowy last day. I love you photos, it always makes me yearn for simpler place and time. a time when I roamed the woods looking at deer and birds and snow covering the ground and limbs. through the grace of God we will return to that life as soon as our California home sells.
Our Lion was torrential down pour and wind! Thunder and lightning last nite, Snow they say for tomorrow! Yikes!
I was always (still am) the black sheep of my family...so I guess this is reverse logic in "my
I'm glad you were able to pitch feed to the grateful flocks!
BTW..I love that first picture!!
Take care and stay warm and safe!
Good Morning Ms. Renie,
Thought I better drop in to have a cup of coffee with you. It's not as cold this morning as it has been the lsast few morning. WE hve jut a littl sno wstill onthe ground in shady areas around her. I"m sure it will all be gone before rtoday is over with. It's suppose tobe up ner 70 todday I think. "THANK YOU" for the coffee. Taske care my friend and ahve a great day. May GOD BLess you and yours,
Karen H>
Hi Renie! It must be cold at your place. Here we had sun for a change. Most of the week we had typically Dutch weather: wind and rain! I am looking forward to spring. The first crocuses showed their yellow and pink noses. So who knows...!!
Thanks for the beautiful pictures from your neck of the woods. You have such a precious attitude about weather and the rigors of living in the woods.
I love your posts.
Have a wonderful weekend.
~hippo hugs~
gosh, i thought i posted here! i read this post! urgh! I love these pictures. You are sure having weater crisis lately!!! Bless your heart!
Well I hope Spring is here to stay in your area, no more ice storms!! Enjoyed the photos and that's a lot of birds down there...
take care, and enjoy the spring...
Dear Renie ~~ Great photos and how lucky those little birds are and good idea not going outside, but just
tossing the seed to them. I hope it soon warms up for you my friend.
How lovely to have a visit with your friend Frieda as well as Eileen.
Glad you enjoyed We all need a Tree story and it is a great idea. My leg
pain has eased somewhat, but still a nuisance. Take great care dear friend. Love, Merle.
Diz MArchie iz berry likez lambie. Now iz almostz 5:00 AM an it iz nice warmie 60 F outsidez! OK?
I iz goin outsidez againz to katz aroun some morez. OK?
Thanks for wearing blue today!! I didnt know about this day either until my mother was diagnosed with it.
I hope you have a wonderful, warm and sunny weekend!!!
Thanks for your visits and wishing our Granddaughter a Happy Birthday. Hoping you have one terrific week-end.
In the northeast where I live, it definitely came in like a lion! We had major snow and the NYC public schools were closed for the first time in 5 years! It's melting fast though (thank goodness!) and tomorrow it's supposed to be 60 degrees! Hot! :-)
Have a wonderful weekend, Renie!
I love the one with all the birdies! Spring is finally coming here although we are supposed to get to -10 this weekend yet again...sigh
Good morning Renie! Thank you for your comment on International Women's Day! I answered one of the men who said, that he didn't understand women and why should women celebrate IWD. I answered him on my blog as well! Thanks for your comment. It's indeed a shame that women are treated with disrespect and disdain. Thanks! Hugs! Wil. Happy IWD!!
Gd Morning Ms. Renie,
Though I wouls drop in for some Coffee. I've switched to comepletely decaff coffee now. LOL. Hope you hqave been enjoying the nice weather we have b een having. Storms are in the forecast for today. I just hope it sdoesn't get too bad. Take care y friend and have a great Sunday. May GOD Bless you and yours.
karen H.
"THANK YOU" for th4 coffee.
your pictures are beautiful. We are still getting mixed weather. Snow, hail, gales, rain and sunshine.
wow!! amazing page..awesome...
it is sure that march came like a lion...apt thought,title....i enjoyed your post very well....
exceptionally those pics are very attractive...i was having a look at it for about a minute...
cheers :D
Well, I'm not sure about lamb or lion, but in my part of the country, we could still get snow until after Mother's Day. We don't usually but we can.
Enjoyed your photos. I love seeing your deer anytime and this was no exception.
Hope you are doing well.
Hello dear Renie. Your pictures show the lion of winter I think!! We are still getting every kind of weather here, snow and sun both today but it's still quite cold out.
I think it's so kind of you to toss seeds out the window for the birds. Like you I don't like to go out in the ice and snow. Don't want to fall. I put some seeds on the back deck for the birds and squirrels and they sure appreciate it. I also got some cracked corn and wheat at the feed store, I read that the birds like it and and we don't have to worry about the bird seed growing in our gardens, but the birds don't seem to care for it, nor the squirrels, so I have fifty pounds of the stuff to deal with.
The deer are hungry this time of year. I have been tempted to buy hay for them but if I do I will have a whole herd of them in my yard feasting on my flowers and shrubbery too.
Take care dear, and think SPRING!!
Lion or Lamb, looks like a little of each. Mother Nature could not make up her mind. Enjoy your pictures, through the window or not. You certainly made a lot of birds happy. Very smart of you not to go out. There are times I wished the goats lived closer to the house. Skating across the yard can be an adventure sometimes.
Best to you Miss Renie
Hey Renie,
Don't overdo with that clean up. We want you well to enjoy all that wonderful weather you are having.
~hippo hugs~
kAREN h.
The weather has been odd this year indeed. I love that picture of your sky!!
Hi Miss Renie,
I stopped by to see how you are doing. Don't worry too much about that clean up, it will be right there and there's plenty of time to work at it. We don't want you out there going wild with the chain saw!!
The picture of the deer is so pretty. They are having a hard time here due to all of the snow but it is steadily dropping thankfully.
Look at all the finches! I have many more birds when it is storming. I keep my feeders full.
That is a hoot that your young Pastor forgot about the time change! I'm sure you all forgave him and I bet he will never forget again! :o) We had a few people that didn't show up so I guess they forgot too!
Hope it has warmed up for you there, it was lovely here today but rain is headed in tomorrow. At least it will help get rid of the dirty snow banks along the roads.
Take care and come by soon! I always enjoy hearing from you! xoxo
Hi Renie, how are you today! Thank you for your visit. The parsonage I described didn't belong to my sister and BIL. Of course you will understand that it belonged to the church, which sold it a couple of years ago. I know that my sister told me that the house was very expensive to keep in good shape. The electricity and gas bills were very high because of the central heating. They spent in one month
as much as they do now in one year!!!
I love that your priest was late for mass. How cute! And yes, it's okay to say he's cute. God made him that way. So, you are, in essence, praising God.
~hippo hugs~
I think most people showed up on time at our church on Sunday. TV was telling us every hour about the spring forward settings of the clocks...
We have had such pretty weather this week. And I just love it... but my allergies don't... oh well, chance of rain tomorrow and then cold again... so I'll get some relief...
Hope all is well with you.
The pink clouds photo looks like sky from here in India.
I read your comment on Gramma Ann's blog, and was quite impressed by it. You had prioritized emotions over own decisions.
Smoked Off Face at the Willingdon Crescent in Jamnagar
Birdhouses, Birdfeeders, Birdbath
You got it, too! I was running around trying to get photos for the newspaper.
Spring is March 20! Yea!
Nice photos.
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