Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Strutting their stuff!

The girls seem impressed!

Happy Wednesday!

I'm looking forward to an exciting mini-vacation this weekend!

Blessings from the woods!


Nonnas News said...

Enjoy your mini vacation this weekend!

ancient one said...

Those turkeys are impressive... Have fun on your vacation...

Gigi Ann said...

I remember one cold winter the turkeys coming to our basement door looking for food. We put corn out for them until the weather changed. It was enjoyable watching for them each day.

Have a lovely vacation, even through it be mini...


Jenn said...

enjoy your mini vacation and COOOOOOL turkeys!

Rudee said...

Got yourself some wild turkeys? Have a great getaway this weekend.

Carol Murdock said...

Now aren't those guys just handsome dudes!! Have fun Sweetie on your mini-vac !!!

Margaret Cloud said...

My sister has a lot of turkey's come out of the woods at her house. We use to have them, but they started building condo's where the woods once were. I like your pictures of them. Enjoy your mini vacation. What in the world is a mini vacation?

Sharon said...

We just returned last weekend from a mini vacation and it was so nice to see everyone even though it was short.
Hope that you have a blessed mini one also.

We have Turkeys around also I love watching them stroll along.
God bless

Brenda said...

You have all kinds of critters in the woods. Never a dull moment there I bet! A mini vacation sounds so nice. Enjoy every minute!

Patsy said...

We had rain to our ground is so wet deep down hope it want rot our plants. I love seeing wild turkeys.
Have a fun week-end.

Patty said...

Have a very enjoyable week-end. Hope you've got all of the broken limbs and etc cleared away.

Winifred said...

You have an amazing selection of wildlife in those woods.

Have a great holiday Renie.

hippo chick said...

Love those turkeys!!! We didn't see any on our trip to Zion NP this time.

Have a great getaway.

~hippo hugs~

Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl said...

How fun, Renie!!


Merle said...

Dear Renie ~~ I love the photos of
the turkeys. I am just starting to feel well again and pain subsiding
thankfully. I am glad you liked the U in Jesus story and the NHS jokes.
Thank you so much for your blessings
and good wishes. Take great care dear friend, Love, Merle.

Karen H. said...

Good AFternoon Mrs. Renie,
Wow, the Turkeys stay out year round there huh? I must say they are strutting their stuff for sure. LOL. "THANK YOU" for the prayers and birthday wishes for me yesteday. I appreciated it so verymuch. "PRAISE GOD" I came thru the procedure just fine and ther was no blockages in my heart. WE got some rain overnight and some thunderstorms possibly severe are in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow they say. I hope not. I did put up a new post this morning adn I have something for you on it too. I hope you enjoy your vacation this weeken. Take care my friend and have a great Thursday. May GOD BLess you and yours.
Karen H.

sandy said...

Well those are fun photos seeing those turkeys strutting. Enjoy your mini vacation...and whatever you are doing, hope it includes pics.

Sam said...

Hi Renie,

Turkeys! A few days ago I looked out my window and saw a big, fat turkey! And remember, I live in the suburbs! He was standing on the sidewalk. One of the stranger things I've seen!

Hope you're well, Renie!

kkryno said...

My, they are gorgeous!

Have a great week-end!

Love, Vikki

2 LMZ FARMS said...

Love the pictures. As always you seem to capture everything in their beauty. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes.Hope you enjoy your mini vacation and have a blessed day

Janice Thomson said...

Are these wild turkeys Renie? We had turkeys on our farm and they used to chase me when I was small and peck at the back of my legs LOL. I love when they do their strutting though - such an impressive display is right.
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Razzer said...

Well..its only natural..
I wonder wot they must think when they strutt their stuff though... for thought???

Ill be back.

Andy. :-)

Marutham said...

Wonderful Turkeys there! :)

I hope you have a terrific Min Vacation :) with cherishable sweet memories to carry forward!

Happy week ahead! :D

BClark said...

Hope you have a super mini-vacation. I think sometimes those are the best kind, just enough to reve up our soul without wearing us out.

I have lots of phesants and grouse around but no turkeys, loved the pictures. Thank you for sharing.

Susie said...

Hi Renie,
Hope you're having a fabulous, fun and relaxing getaway.
Loved seeing the turkeys!

Lucy Stern said...

Hope you have a great weekend, Renie.

Linda said...

Wow!! Look at those turkeys. Enjoy your vacation.

Femin Susan said...

Congratulations....Your posting is very interesting... I really enjoyed reading this post. Keep writing

Reader Wil said...

Have a very wonderful mini holiday! And I hope that the weather for you is as beautiful as it is here!

audrey` said...

HaHa Renie!!! Yeah =) You had a very wonderful mini vacation =D

Jaina said...

Great photos! I hope you have a fabulous mini vacation this weekend!

Rachel said...

They are pretty!! We had turkeys on the farm when I was growing up. Every now and then I'll see some wild ones.

Gutsy Living said...

Where did you go?
See you soon.

Pia said...

i love vacation! enjoy yours. blessings! ♥

Reader Wil said...

All morning we are warned for a new computervirus. Furthermore we hear more about the economical crisis. Life is getting difficult! Thanks for your wonderful comment. Have a great day!

Jmkdreak said...

haham they look good enough for Thanksgiving! funny, the girls picture I didnt see before! duh.


Nancy said...

My, those turkeys are gorgeous!!! I can why the hens were impressed! LOL

((( HUGS )))