Our visit to Tunica, Mississippi was a lot of fun. Just picture two old country gals, used to a larger population of trees and wildlife then humans, suddenly transported to the glitz, glamour, and excitement of Casino life, teeming with people from all over the country. Huge rooms filled with wall to wall slot machines, (where cameras are not allowed!) and other gaming paraphernalia, scrumptious food, drinks, and cigarette smoke. Cough! Cough! (Our choice of drinks were coffee and diet Coke!) A strange wonderland for the likes of Eileen and myself. Greg, of course, had been there before, so he wasn't walking around in an amazed state of mind, like we were. LOL.
But before I show you a few of the pictures, most of which didn't turn out as well as I had hoped for, let me give you a bit more background about this place called Tunica.
Tunica, Mississippi is 35 miles across the Mississippi River from Memphis, Tennessee, and just about 180 miles from where I live. Tunica is in northwest Mississippi near the Arkansas and Tennessee borders.
The county was established in 1836, but its history goes much further back than that. The early residents were Native Americans who cleared the heavily forested land and built Indian Mounds. In 1885, the county seat was moved to Tunica where it remains today.
Today, Tunica, Mississippi has ten world-class casinos, over 6,000 all-new hotel rooms and 40 great new restaurants.There is golfing, swimming in luxurious pools, Tunica Lake, and Riverfront Park, where one can indulge in Riverboat Rides, on the great Mississippi! And, Nancy, no, I did not win the jackpot! But then again, I didn't really try to win it. I played one short game on a penny slot machine and won $20, and that was the extent of my gambling.

The landscaping around the Hollywood Casino was beautiful and I especially loved the blooming Magnolia's, although the picture could be better. And everything was Spring green already in Tunica.
Tunica was a nice place to get away to, and if we ever go there again, I might just try to hit the jackpot!
Thank you for visiting. Happy April!
Blessings from the woods, my most favorite place in the world to be!
Renie.......you little ole gambler you! I love the Hollywood Casino!
I went several times to Tunica when my daughter lives in Memphis.
It's an amazing place stuck back there in the woods huh? Headed for Natchez!
What a fun weekend getaway for you and Eileen! Ive only been to a casino once and that was in Shreveport. We had fun, but I didnt come home with full pockets! LOL
I'd say $20 was a pretty good return on your investment. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves.
Oh, so glad to hear that you had a nice trip and won 20 bucks.
I love to watch people and that sounds like a great place to do that.
I remember so well my first trip to Tunica, on my birthday in May of 94. This green country girl was so excited!! I'm going overnight on the sixth. I have $70 in free slot play burning a hole in my pocket,two free steak dinners, and can't wait. I'm glad you had a good time.
I have never heard of Tunica. Thank you for the info. Sounds like you had a great trip. I just noticed on your profile that you like several books that I also like - especially "Woodswoman."
What a BIG day!
I didnt know they had penny slots,
never tried to play but I dont have your luck either.
Upload the Elvis car picture too.
I've never been to Tunica - thanks for the post and pictures! I've been waiting to see what you 2 gals were up to over the weekend!..:)
It looks like you had a good time. I've only been to a casino once, Harrah's in Cherokee, NC.,in 2004. Didn't do much gambling, only spent a little playing the slot machines. But it was fun and a different experience.
I'm glad you are home.
Welcome home, safe and sound and hopefully with your money still in your purse. LOL
I went with our one daughter and her friend to the boat as they call it. It's a Riverboat, that is across the Indiana/Ky line, and it's a Casino. Myself, it was different and I walked around gawking like someone from the farm the first time they went to NY. LOL Like you, there was way too much smoke for me. It was loud, people were ordering drinks like crazy, and putting money into the machines like there was no tomorrow. I don't drink, smoke or gamble. But I did take along a little money to play with, and I mean a little. Of course I didn't win anything to bring home. Our daughter and her friend have won already and before the Casino gives them the money they take the taxes out right then, which is a nice way of doing it.
Glad you had a nice mini trip, but if you're like me, there's still is no place like home.
Hi Renie! Glad that you are back and enjoyed yourself! I should go to the USA and see Tunica for my self! Have a great day! Wil
I enjoyed reading about your trip.
It does look like you had a great time.
I don't have any luck gambling,so I just wander around watching others.
Glad you are home safe and a little richer.
God bless.
Oh Renie, good for you winning $20. I lost $12 in about 15 minutes. That was the extent of my gambling this trip.
Sounds and looks like you guys had a good time. It's alway fun to get away and good to get back home.
~hippo hugs~
Well, that was fun reading about your mini-vacation. And it sounds like you two had a wonderful time. I am like Patty, I don't drink, smoke, or gamble, but it is always fun to look things over and watch the people. I would imagine that the food was very good and I'm sure you and Eileen enjoyed your fill of the food.
Have a wonderful week.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? I'm glad you enjoyed your getaway. You still had time to take photos of nature with the tree. You must have missed your acres of land.
Wow! You and Eileen looked so beautiful and happy =)))
HaHa! I still remember Snazzy Number 11 car ^wink^ ^grin^
(((HUGS))) Renie xoxo
Hi Renie,
Our nearest "gambling town" is Reno, NV which is about 200 miles from us.
We do have Indian casinos all over the state which have mostly slot machines and some table games.
Glad you had a fun getaway and came home with some of their money :)
I'm so glad you two had such a good time. It's always nice to get away for a little while... but home is good!!
What a fun trip!! I've never been to a casino but my sister in law says she is taking me some of these days! She goes sometimes and has a grand time. She even gets her Mom out of the nursing home and takes her on occasion!
It looks nice and I'm so glad you both had a wonderful time!!
My sister goes to the casino up here but I have never been to one. Glad you had a good time with your friend, it is good to get away once in a while.
Renie How nice to just get away, I hve been to Reno a few times and a couple of times to Las Vegas, but gambling, I do a little but have a hard time parting with my hard earned money. It is such a strange life, compared to the one we live. That makes up part of the diversity of our Wonderful country.
That was great for you and Eileen and Greg to get away on a fun trip. I had heard of Tunica before, but for some reason I thought it was in Mississippi. I think the gambling boats are parked at every river town in the country. Just getting out and doing something different is a treat isn't it? Have a great day!
Renie, it sounds like you had a really good time....I have never been to Tunica but now I am informed of it's existence.
What fun, we all need a little change of pace now and then. Keeps the juices reved up. Now you have fodder for another article, maybe one for the casino magazines.
Thank you for sharing and so glad you enjoyed yourself.
What fun you probably had. Enjoyed the pics. I gambled too, probably lost a little more than I wanted to, but a total of less than 100...
So glad you two gals had such a great time! Fun to get away but fun to get home too. I don't gamble either so the slots wouldn't make much on me! lol! Glad you won $20 and you were smart to put it in your pocket and bring it home with you! In my next post I am going to put in a little story about the casino in Puerto Rico.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping by, I always enjoy hearing from you! xoxo
Do love seeing all the glitz and glitter. I too love the big chandeliers, they just amaze me!
Your turkeys are doing the turkey strut like ours are here. They so love showing off thier finery for the gals! We had about 40 chicks last season so I guess they were successful!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. It's rainy here but is taking off the snow so that's good.
Great post as always Renie! xoxox
That looked like a great weekend Renie. Some lovely photos there.
Surprising they still allow you to smoke there especially with food around. We've got used to having no smoke in public places here now and I'd hate to have to breathe that stuff in again.
Think I'd be like you and not bother too much with the gambling!
Wow, those are such gorgeous shots!
Cheers and best wishes.
Sounds like you had a marvelous time jackpot or not! :)
Isn't it great when you hit home though!
Good Morning Mrs. Renie,
I love the pictures you took of tunica and "THANK YOU" for sharing them with us and the information about Tunica as well. I"m glad yall had a good time. Coffee and Coke huh? LOL. Just kidding with you there. I would have had Coffee and water if I was there. Now you need to go to Vegas and see all the Casino's there lit up at night. It is beautiful. So many Casino's there as well and other things to see. Greg seemed to have done good while there as well. Maybe if you do go back someday, you can hit the jackpot also. Take care my friend and have a great Monday. Stay warm as we are under a Freeze Warning tonight and in the morning. Glad I hadn't planted my flowers and rose bushes just yet. May GOD BLess you and yours.
Karen H.
Hi Renie thanks for the visit! Yes April and May are beautiful months!
I almost finished my springcleaning, so before Easter I will have done it.
On Good friday I always listen to St. Matthew Passion by J.S.Bach. I wish you a very happy week! Hugs, Wil
My goodness, What an experience!
I've never been to a casino and have never missed it. I guess we can't miss what we don't know.LOL
I do love nice walks on the beach or in the forest though so I don't feel that I am missing anything.
I'm glad you had a good time Renie and your pictures sure show what a magnificent place it is.
Thanks you so much for your prayers during my recent illness.
When I find out what was wrong I will post about it.
Thanks for coming by... You are so blessed if pollen doesn't bother you... My son used to be bothered... he says since he moved away to PA and stayed 3 1/2 years and returned he has not been bothered at all with his sinuses... I need to move...LOL This is the price you pay for living in the woods...
Sounds like you and Eileen had a great time. I love the casinos!! I was in Tunica on a business trip about 10 years ago. Of course, in the evening I slipped over to the casino. Such fun.
Stop by when you can.....I have an award for you.
our vacation pic's didnt turn out all that great either! Sounds like you had a great time tho!
Hi Miss Renie,
Wanted to stop by and say Happy easter. Beautiful weather here today and some tulips coming up, hooray! Hope the bad weather is not getting you.
Best to you, Barbara
have a wonderful Easter Ms. Renie!!!!
What a fun trip you and Eileen had! I am glad you won at least $20! Beats losing $20! ha-ha Enjoyed all the beautiful pics, too! Tunica sounds like a beautiful city with so much to offer its visitors.
I like your kind of drinks! That's my speed as far as drinking goes, too!
And I have to agree with others...no place like home! Glad you had a great time and got back home safe and sound!
A very Happy Blessed Easter to you, Renie!
((( HUGS )))
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