We had a wonderful visit while she and her Mama and Dad (who is my older son) were here. And I am sharing a couple of pictures from our visit.

Of course, whenever she is here visiting, she loves to go riding on the 4-wheeler. Here she is with her Mama and Dad, in the field. They went on many longer rides, too, up the hilly country roads, where they saw horses and cows, and goats and were chased by dogs!
Of course, she helped with me with some chores, too, read some of my stories in the Chicken Soup books without even being asked to read them, and enjoyed seeing some deer, turkeys, and lots of birds. Her favorite birds were the woodpeckers.
Now, they are all back at home, and I know today they are celebrating big time.
Happy Birthday, Mckenzie. I love you, miss you, and will see you again soon. xoxoxoxo
And Uncle Greg said to tell you, "You're still "IT," Kiddo!"
Thank you for visiting my little birthday tribute to Mckenzie. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Blessings from the woods!
Happy Birthday McKenzie!
Renie I can see you are just like me, a very proud grandmother!
Have a great weekend!
Well I hope McKenzie has a great birthday!
She is a cutie pie Renie! Glad we could all share with good wishes to give her on her birthday. She is now in the double digits, as a friends child would say.
To answer a question you had at my blog, I was surprised you had not been to a Cracker Barrel before. It is not really like Perkins or Bob Evans because they have a store in the front where you can shop. It is a great breakfast place but they also have good dinners and lunches. Or at least I think so.
Have a great day Renie, and thanks for all the nice visits and comments when you come to my blog.
Happy birthday to McKenzie, you are just so cute.
Glad that you had a good time with her and your son. Family time these days are priceless.
God bless
Oh! That McKenzie is a cutie for sure. And I remember turning 10 years old, it was a big deal for me!
Have a wonderful week-end!
Happy birthday McKenzie. Ten - wow before you know you'll be graduating. Good pictures. Have a nice day Renie... Becca
Happy Birthday Dear McKenzie.
Hello Renie are you getting lots of rain? Hope not the storms. We are about to flow a way in Jonesboro.
Happy Birthday McKenzie!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet McKenzie!
Ten is such a fun age (I have two grandchildren that are 10)
Looks like she had such a fun time at Grandma's house!
Happy, HAPPY, Birthday, Mckenzie !!! Ten years old is a fun time. I know you had fun with your grandmother and I know she is missing you...
Renie, she is so cute and I know you are proud of her!
Hi Renie, McKenzie is so cute, she looks very pretty in the photos. They do grow too fast and the older they become the older we are, ha, ha. Your property looks so nice, hope you are enjoying the nice weather. Have a good weekend.
Happy birthday Mckenzie! I have a granddaughter of ten myself! Time flies indeed! Thanks for sharing, Renie!
Thanks also for your comment on the tragedy that happened in my country! Unbelievable and unexpected.
Happy Birthday to McKenzie! She is so pretty! They grow up fast don't they?!
ahhh she is so darn cute!! Happy Birthday to her. You must enjoy her so much. "Macs" are special...
Hey MacKenzie, Happy Birthday. I think 10 year old girls are the BEST. Sounds like you and Grandma had a cool time during your visit.
And Renie, I love you and think you must be one of the BEST grandmothers going.
~hippo hugs~
Happy Birthday, McKenzie!
Big number 10!
I know that you miss her when she goes home, Renie...
Lucky, lucky McKenzie!
How Taurus-like is she?
Our birthdays are just days apart!
April is a fine month for a birthday.
I've had a bunch of them!
Aw! Happy Birthday to McKensie!! And such wonderful photos and a precious post. I'm so glad you shared with us, Renie!!!
Happy Birthday beautiful Mckenzie!!
Happy Birthday to cute BIG McKenzie! Yep, she's a big girl now!!!
Know you enjoyed having her and your son and wife there. You have such a great place there where they can connect with Nature and enjoy everything to the utmost.
I'm sure McKenzie will agree with me on this....that you are the BEST grandma ever!!! I remember times I spent with both of my grandmas...a child never forgets those wonderful grandma fun-filled times!
((( HUGS )))
I hear being a Grandparent is the best. I'm not there yet, but look forward to that when my boys have finished college and settled down with a good job. McKenzie is still in the cute, "little girl" phase. Adorable.
Your time with family looks like such fun and your granddaughter is such a pretty little girl and I bet she had a great Birthday.
I haven't been blogging much lately. I have so much yard work to do and of course there's always inside work too. I'm thankful I am able to do it all but it sure does take some time!
I always come to visit you when I can Renie. You are one of my very favorite people.
God bless you and yours
MCKenzie is adorable.... Happy Birthday Miss McKenzie..... I am sure she is a delight to have around. What little girl wouldn't want to take a ride on a tractor, what fun... Have a great week Renie!
I hope McKenzie had a lovely birthday! Thanks for your visit, dear Renie!
What a lovely vist you had with yoru loved ones. I know things must seem very quiet right now.
Glad you had such a wonderful time.
A sweet little grand daughter Renie. Happy Birthday to McKenzie!
Happy, happy birthday Miss McKenzie! xoxo What lovely pictures of her, she is just s cutie pie like her Grammie! What a nice post about her, the love you have for her shines through so brightly. I love the saying 'if I'd known it was going to be so much fun to have grandchildren I would have had them first!' xoxoxo
I was just checking in to see if you had a post up about Orie. I do hope he is going to be okay. Please do keep us posted!
((( HUGS )))
I just read your comment on my blog. So glad to hear that Orie is feeling some better today! They usually do respond to antibiotics rather quickly. Guess we all need to lay our heads on their little sides to check that breathing, huh? Cookie's sides were sucking way in when she breathed, which I found out meant respiratory distress from the fluid buildup in her chest. I am praying for the best for her, too. We DO love our pets...and it's so nice to know that I am not the only one who thinks of them as children. LOL They can scare us when they get sick cause they can't tell us when they're ill. I know I am crazy about all of mine, too!!! Keep me posted...I care.
((( HUGS )))
I forgot to tell you this, but it might put you a little at ease....a cat's normal temperature is 101. Guess Nature provides them for outdoor life that way, plus their fur coats. But still, even with her temp up a couple degrees like that, she was one sick little baby! But not like we would feel if ours was up to 103.5. Just thought this may make you feel a little better. Poor little thing....Prayers going out for her from me!!! Keep us posted! My email is on FB on my info page.
((( HUGS )))
Happy Birthday to our cute McKenzie =)
So sweet, Those little ones can steal your heart. I especially loved the previous post. We have so much to share, So many life experiences, So much beauty surround us.
Happy Birthday McKenzie.
McKenzie is precious! Happy belated birthday to her. Glad you had a nice visit with family.
Awwww Happy Birthday Ten year old! Molly has been ten for 5 months now, lol, and it feels like she is 15, GOOD luck!
How did the Ozarks weather this last storm? Thought about you when I watched the weather channel this morning.
Happy Mother's Day, Renie =)
Good Morning Mrs. Renie,
"HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" TO your Grandaughter, McKenszie. Her birhtday is a 6 days after our oldest daughter's birhtday. She is a beautiful little girl. Our oungest girl is 10 and will be 11 in August. They do grow up way too fast for me. "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" to you as well. I finally put up a new post this morning. I seem to be doing more Facebooking than blogging lately. Take care my frienda and have a great Mother's Day. May GOD BLess you and yours.
Karen H.
I'm a little late for McKenzie's biirthday. Sure hope it was wonderful. What have you been up to since then Renie?
happy mother's day!!! God bless you, renie!
Hey Renie,
I know you have lots of wildlife around your home in the woods. Do you, by chance, have peacocks or guinea hens?
~hippo hugs~
Wish McKenzie a Happy Birthday for me. She is getting to be a big girl, for sure.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, my friend.
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