Saturday, September 1, 2007

Writes With Feathers Blog

A wonderful blog about birds and animals written by my friend, the bird lady of Alabama, Anne Watkins. Anne has been a cyber writing friend since the late 90s when we both wrote for a site that shall remain nameless! Anne is a talented writer, with oodles of writing credits, and the author of The Conure Handbook, of which I have a gifted, autographed copy of! Visit You will be glad you did.


Michele said...

Your friend has a great blog, Renie!

Renie Burghardt said...

Yes, she does! Your blog is pretty nifty as well. :-)

Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl said...


Anne C. Watkins said...

Renie, you're such a good, sweet friend! Thanks so much for this. {{{Renie}}}

And thank you, too, Michele. I appreciate your nice comment!

Hope you see's awful late. Sorry!

Love ya,


Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, just saw it, Anne! Sorry I missed it earlier. Thank you for the nice comment. Better late than never!

Hugs, your bud.